Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Wastong Nutrition Kailangan, Lifestyle diseases Iwasan"

For this month of July, we are going to celebrate the NUTRITION MONTH. Even though, how does the LIFESTYLE DISEASES affect our nutrisyon?!!!
Wastong Nutrisyon Kailangan Lifestyle Disease Iwasan. For me, nutrition is the most important to all of us, we need a proper nutrition so that we have a healthy body and we can avoid any diseases that can cause our good health. We are to eat our balance diet,exercise regularly and we need to protect and take care of our nutrition.
So from now on, I will take good care of my nutrition so that I can avoid any diseases and I can enjoy my life longer......!

1 comment:

  1. hai!!!!!!!!!!

    nice one!!!

    nice blog!!!!
    notice your spellings..some are wrong...
    keep up the good work na lang...

    study hard!!!!
